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Special thanks for your generosity and kindness, we look forward to the future ... preserving Rockport's Green Jewel.

We deeply appreciate the kindness and generosity of you who have selflessly donated money, time, talents and vision to help us preserve the natural beauty of Millbrook Meadow and Mill Pond.

We extend a heartfelt ...

Thank You!

Lura Phillips ca 1980 by ME Lepionka.jpg
Lura's given over $182,000
for the restoration of our Meadow and Pond.


Meadow Warriors:  Shown here at Arbor Day in 1993 are old-time champions of the Meadow-- Dyke Brown, Tree Warden; Porter Collie, and Dot Radville, standing. Seated at right is the woman who saved the Meadow, Lura Hall Phillips. Now 25 years after her death, her money is still at work!

Many thanks to 

Laurie LePine of Zinc Studio, Rockport for our original web design.

Committee Chairman Laura Hallowell is the whirlwind who has been the Conservancy's Project Manager through a winter of dredging the Mill Pond, a winter of building and restoring our Meadow, and then, with volunteers from the Rockport Garden Club and Rockport at large have carried out a massive plantings.


© 2024 by Rockport Millbook Meadow  Conservancy.  Site by Zinc Studio Design

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